Stonehenge & Avebury - UK
49 images Created 25 Oct 2009
Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain is located just north of the town of Salisbury. Stonehenge is probably the most renown and widely visited of the stone circle constructions in the UK. Avebury village located about thirty miles north of Stonehenge is actually a larger circle encompassing the whole village. Additionally Avebury henge is not restricted in access to the stones unlike Stonehenge. Avebury has a unique charm as well as many additional views of the village in a fantastic walking tour. Just mind the sheep droppings as you tour as they graze the open fields where the stones reside. Neolithic stone structures whose exact construction and purpose are still under debate today abound each location but in Avebury the tourist populous is not as abundant. Both locations were photographed on an dramatically cloudy to stormy day in late June 2007. Black and white treatments can be found in the Stonehenge & Avebury - UK (Fine Art - Black & White) gallery.